A gift of beauty

A family member recently gave me a nice little gift. She gave me a bunch of makeup in an organza pouch. 


It’s really neat because it’s all from brands that I’ve never heard of. Those brands are Your Best Friend and Prominerals. And some if the things she gave me were blushes, bronzer, eyebrow pencils, lip liners etc. There’s even a pocket Kabuki brush

Born Pretty haul -finally-

So I ordered from born pretty for the second time about three weeks ago and since o.k. Hadn’t had that much of a problem the first time, I guess I just didn’t expect it to take do looking to get here, but it finally did and now I can share that with you all!


So I got some eyelashes, one pair of people, one pair that’s really full, the way I like them, and a more casual pair, two little storage cases for for holding things (like pairs of eyelashes), a pocket mirror, an eye liner guide,a lip gloss, another of the y-cid blushes I lika but in another color, an eyeshadow trio, and three brushes. 

I can’t wait to try these out abbr maybe do a few reviews for you all

Shopping day and mini haul 

Went out shopping today with my grandma and my son and we had a blast. Went to the pet store and let him pet the kittens. It was really hard not to walk out of there with a sweet little kitty. Then we hit up a few other shops andI raided the clearance racks came out with some yarn and some makeup  

And my husband has been working non-stop lately and it’s had him feeling really stressed and down, so I picked him up a few of his favorite things like some candy, mango juice, and a pack of pokemon cards. Wrote a little love note too. 


Left it all on his computer desk so he couldn’t miss it. Hopefully he’ll cheer up after he sees it. 

Thanks for reading you all!

With love and glitter,


Update: he was very happy with his pick me up gift and he smiled and told me lots of sweet things 😀

Shop miss a haul 

I recently made a puchase from shop miss.com and the package just came in 😀 shopmissa.com is an online fashion and beauty shop where everything is $1 and shipping is $3.95 flat rate. 

This packaging is super cute :3

I got two nail polishes, two lipsticks, some bronzer, baked eyeshadow, a liquid eyeliner and mascara duo (which I unfortunately I had to promptly throw away because I opened it to try and it leaked everywhere) and three pairs of underwear (which are obscenely comfortable. 10/10) 

The shipping was a lot faster than I expected and I’m pretty happy with almost all of the products. 

Thanks for reading! I love love love you guys ❤

Beauty haul

Went shopping today with my bestie today and got a huge makeup haul. Ulta had a huge free gift deal that I just absolutely had to take advantage of 😀



This is everything I bought. I was really happy with the nail polish last time I purchased it so I picked up two more colors, and I decided to try some other products like mascara and gel liner.
And then this is everything I got with the free gift:





This is really cool and I got a lot of things I was wanting to try and I got them all with things I was already planning on purchasing. And a cute little bag!
Thanks for reading!
With love and glitter,

First time at ulta: my beauty haul

As I mentioned before, I line in a small town and we just had an ulta open up and the other day was my first time to ever in an ulta store as a customer. I decided to test out the ulta brand products as well as take advantage of all the great sales.

So here is my haul! I spent over an hour shopping and got in trouble with my husband for taking too long, but I just couldn’t help myself. Everything is just so pretty and sweet smelling.

Here are a few closer pics:

Nail polish

