Shopping day and mini haul 

Went out shopping today with my grandma and my son and we had a blast. Went to the pet store and let him pet the kittens. It was really hard not to walk out of there with a sweet little kitty. Then we hit up a few other shops andI raided the clearance racks came out with some yarn and some makeup  

And my husband has been working non-stop lately and it’s had him feeling really stressed and down, so I picked him up a few of his favorite things like some candy, mango juice, and a pack of pokemon cards. Wrote a little love note too. 


Left it all on his computer desk so he couldn’t miss it. Hopefully he’ll cheer up after he sees it. 

Thanks for reading you all!

With love and glitter,


Update: he was very happy with his pick me up gift and he smiled and told me lots of sweet things 😀